Saturday, September 27, 2008

Yesterday-side garden

Yesterday, I managed to work the side bed of the main garden enough to get it into shape for planting...this wasn't easy without a tiller. I did it shovel and rake style. I put down some organic garden soil and planted snow peas, cabbage and beets in the "new" bed. If anything doesn't come up, I'll put in some more snow peas probably... my cabbage seeds are a couple of years old, so I'm not holding my breath that they will germinate. I already have a few cabbage plants in my small bed, along with broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, tomatoes, and cucumbers(all plants). I added some radishes, turnips, cauliflower, and snap peas in seed form yesterday there.
I noticed spinach, lettuce, cilantro, carrots, and basil are coming up in various containers on the patio. The onion sets look alright, the eggplant are blooming profusely. Of course, the oregano and garlic chives look fine, as does the old-timer, rosemary.
I have two more beds I can play with if I get time for more veggies, but they will be a lot of work without a tiller. I still need to get my flowerbed in order and clean up the pots around the house. The flowerbed will be full of pansies and violas later...the pansies haven't started showing up at the nurseries yet, anyway. The bright colors always make me feel better on cool winter days. I think my favorite part is choosing the colors to plant.
Today is Farmer's Market day. I hope to find plenty of veggies to put me in the mood for more garden work. I want the best fall garden ever, perhaps it will come.

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