Saturday, September 6, 2008

Farmer's Market

Well, I managed to get to the Farmer's Market today. I saw Heather and Karen from Yadi's milk group which felt a bit like deja vu without essential cause, except to say I met Heather rather briefly yesterday, for the first time in person. Karen, I have known much longer, not just from the milk drops, but also because we happened to show up to pick tomatoes at Gendron Tomatoes the season before last. She will forever remember me as the crazy white girl who ate a very hot pepper sans water (they dared me) while picking a bounty of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and squash that crazy Saturday morning...and I will forever remember her as the one who wore a two piece swimsuit to pick veggies. I prefer more cover-up, but I can pick veggies all day in high sun if I have the time, the veggies and plenty of water.
I scored lots of great stuff at the market; salsa, chocolate sour cream bread, garlic chives, yellow squash, green beans, parsley, red potatoes, and 2 cucumbers. After finishing my route for the day, I put my steamer to use on a very tasty lunch. Now perhaps I can get to BNF before they close...

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