Friday, November 21, 2008

Cold sets in

As we have had a few mild frosts, I am protecting my tomato plants in main bed with a frost blanket. I wonder if I will get any tomatoes before it is too late... I'm thinking that the ones in the greenhouse may be much safer. I may need to pick my eggplants out because the weather is supposed to get colder still.
The snap peas have made a couple of little pods and I got one snow pea yesterday. There will be hundreds of them soon. I guess I better get busy thinking of stir-fry possibilities.
I'm gearing up for Thanksgiving. I managed to get a turkey from the Cranks last weekend, it was beautiful. I got sweet potatoes from a roadside seller in Hempstead, an old black guy who barely had a voice, but he seemed sweet. I have a small pack of cranberries that Vicki got on her trip to New England. I have a couple of butternut squashes from Vicki, a few onions and peppers from Alysha and Vicki. I have some herbs in the garden and a shopping list for tomorrow's Farmer's Market. I don't know if I will get oranges in time to make fruit salad, but I still have apples from so, I guess I have a good beginning. Hopefully I can acquire green beans, broccoli, potatoes, more onions, sage, carrots, and eggs tomorrow. We'll see, I have too many stops to make on my route, but I'll do my best.

1 comment:

Rebekah Gonzalez said...

I found your blog during my search for people who enjoy raw dairy and natural living. I hope you don't mind that I stopped by :) We own a goat share and "Aimee" isn't producing as much now that the cold whether has kicked in...and the farm fruits and veggies are all frost bitten :( can't wait until spring!